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Yuni Chung Hoa Yun
IG. @yuni_hoayun_chung / @choricollective

Yuni (Hoa Yun) Chung is a berlin-based artist , works with text, performance, object, drawing, video, and sound. In her practice, she uses metaphors to create a space in wich multiple media and different social contexts are interwoven, revealing the structural violence without replicating it. Since 2022, she has co-founded in Chōri (調理/조리) Collective, and explores how our body harmonizes as a part of food with our own flavors and opens the possibility of transcending our current situation, such as neoliberalism, globalization, or colonial histories.



BA Visual Arts
Korea National University of Arts


MA Raumstrategien
Kunsthochschule Weißensee



2017 “ What Biology Enables Culture Forbids”, Gallery Muse / Seoul, Korea (Group)

2018 “Your Branch”, Gallery Bokdo / Seoul, Korea (Group)
2019 “Water washes Blood”, KNUA / Seoul, Korea (Group)

2020 “Site” / Digital
2022 “Space Between the Action”, 175 Gallery / Seoul, Korea (Group)

2023 “Within Our Bodies”, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz / Berlin, Germany (Group)
2023 “Drifting into a Sea with No Ground”, Culterim Gallery / Berlin, Germany (Group)


2022 Hospital Project part 1. “Admission”, HAU4 / Berlin, Germany

2022 Hospital Project part 2. “Rehabilitation”, Berliner Ringtheater/ Berlin, Germany
2022, Chōri Dance - Opening Event at Stretch Senses Festival at Humboldt University, Tieranatomisches Theater/ Berlin, Germany

2022 “I DIVE U”, Achimdal / Seoul, Korea
2022, Mapping Chōri ~Swimming Pickles~ - Hospitality project of APAL, Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences at Universität der Künste Berlin / Berlin, Germany

2022 WHAT IS A SCORE? “Rehabilitation”, Make-up / Berlin, Germany

2022, Chōri Dance ~4 Course Meal~, - On Display Winter Lake Studio Berlin, Lake Studio / Berlin, Germany

2022 The Galapagos Project : Part3. Digestion, Uqbar / Berlin, Germany
2023, Chōri Picnic ~Summer Roll~ - Tanz im August festival, Stadtpark Lichtenberg / Berlin, Germany

2023, Mapping Chōri ~Fermentation Practice~ , Workshop at Feral Encounter Festival, Lake Studio /Berlin, Germany

2024, Mapping Chōri ~Hot Pot~, Expo festival, English theater / Berlin, Germany

Text / Publication

2022 “Swimming Pool no. 1.”

2023 Neuwerk #10 “Nicht Recipe”
2023 “Wet Volume”




2022 Asian Performing Artist Lab, Berlin, Germany

2022 ON DISPLAY, Lake Studio, Berlin, Germany

2024 Vila Romana : Testing Garden, Florence, Italy

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